Friday, May 9, 2008

Giants in Prayer

I am in sitting in my office, wasting time, thinking....How am I going to get more leaders!? I don't stress too often, but when I have the summer coming, a new year coming for Church, and new programs starting, I also have leaders that I have now that are having to step down, it gets a little hectic....
There are all these great websites and articles out there that tell of how you can get the leaders you need and hang on to them, here is how you do it.....Blah, Blah Blah!! They make it sound so easy and that it will work to does not. I have come to the realize that all I need to do is simply keep praising God, do His work He has called me to, and PRAY PRAY PRAY! Now that is fool proof and that is perfect! Have we forgot about prayer?? So many churches now are so large and do so much, are we so busy and business like that we forget to just let God take care of the issues at hand? We know of it and speak of it and say a little tid bit here and there when we are together, but do we truly know the power of prayer? We need to be prayer warriors, we need to be Giants in prayer...
I recently read a great bit by E.M. Bounds that had this to say about prayer:

" We need this prayerful Leadership; we must have it, that is the perfection and beauty of its holiness, by strength and elevation of its faith, by the potency and pressure of its prayers, by the authority and spotlessness of its example, by the fire and contagion of its zeal, by the singularity, sublimity, and unworthiness of its piety, it may influence God and hold and mold the church to its heavenly pattern. Such leaders, how mighty they are felt! How their flame arouses church! How they embattle and give victory by the conflicts and triumphs of their own faith! How they fashion it by the impress and imoportunity of their own prayers! How they inoculate by the contagion and fire of their holiness! How they lead the march in great spiritual revolutions! How the church is raised from the dead by the ressurection call of their sermons! Holiness springs up in their wake as flowers at the voice of spring, and where they tread the desert blooms as a garden of the Lord. God's cause demands such leaders."

Where are those leaders? Sadly, I have met only a few...But we are all called to be that as christians, I know I find myself lacking in even mediocre prayer! No wonder I stress over such an issue of lack of leaders, God can move mountains!!!!!

"We need a new intense and radical commitment to prayer, leaders who know and prove the power of prayer, congregations growing ever more mighty in prayer. We need prevailing leadership to mold a new generation of prayer warriors."-Wesley Duewel

"As Christ seeks the lost sheep, God seeks intercessors."-Andrew Murray

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